The external Scientific Advisory Committee has been set up to provide guidance and oversight for the CIC scientific activities.

The responsibilities of this Committee include

(a) the selection tasks of the CIC research groups 
(b) the allocation of laboratory and staff to each of the groups in the center, and 
(c) advice on the Centre's scientific planning and organisation.

In order to make these tasks effective in practice, the assignment of groups to the CIC is only temporary, being evaluated every five years according to criteria of productivity and the interest of the line of work in the context of international oncology research.

The Scientific Committee is made up of scientists of recognised value in both the basic and clinical fields who do not belong to the CIC.

  • Dr. Elías Campo. Barcelona' Hospital Clínic
  • Dr. Francisco Sánchez-Madrid. Hospital Universitario de La Princesa de Madrid
  • Dr. Luis Paz-Ares. Hospital 12 Octubre de Madrid
  • Dra. Anne Ridley. Bristol University, Bristol (UK)
  • Dra. Jacqueline Cherfils. CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette (France)