Deputy Director of Clinical Affairs

Alberto Orfao, Full Professor.
Alberto Orfao is currently Full Professor of Immunology at the Department of Medicine of the University of Salamanca. He is also subdirector of the Cancer Research Center of the University of Salamaca-National Research Council (CSIC), Director of the General Cytometry Service and the Cell sorting Service of the University of Salamanca, and Scientific Director of the Spanish National DNA Bank Carlos III and the Network of Tumor Biobanks of Castilla y Leon (Spain). His research activities are mainly focused on the field of haematological malignancies and the relationship between the immune system and early cancer development and progression. He has mentored 53 PhD students and authored >1200 publications and book chapters, being co-author of 800 scientific papers in international journals, with an overall h-index of 100 and more than 56,000 citations; in addition, he is inventor of 72 (granted/pending) patents. He has received a Doctorate Honoris Causa by the University of Silesia (Poland) and the Gold Medal of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra (Portugal) together with over 40 awards and recognitions including the Berend Howen award of the International Society for Laboratory Hematology and the Wallace Coulter award of the International Society for Clinical Cytometry, the 2012 Castilla and Leon Prize for Scientific and Technical Research as well as the 3rd Prize in Applied Biomedical Research of the Valdes-Salas Foundation/University of Oviedo. He is currently member of the external scientific committees of several research institutions in Spain and other European countries, including the General Council of the University of Coimbra (Portugal) and he is member of multiple national and international scientific evaluation panels and groups, including the EuroFlow Consortium (chair), European Scientific Foundation for Laboratory Hemato-Oncology (ESLHO), the International Consensus Classification (ICC) on Myeloid Neoplasias and the European Leukemia Net (ELN), European Research Initiative on CLL (ERIC), Early Cancer Research Initiative on MBL (ECRIN-M3; chair) and IDIAL-NET (chair). He is/has been also member of the editorial board of several scientific journals, such as Leukemia, Haematologica, Blood Research, Human Genetics, Cytometry, Journal of Immunological Methods, Current Protocols in Cytometry and Cancers. In parallel he has supported and fostered the creation of several new Biotech companies, including Cytognos SL (1997), ImmunoStep (2001), PhagoTrace BV (2010) and 300K Biotech Solutions (2019).
For his publication list, check this link.