Welcome Note

Xosé R. Bustelo, Ph.D.
On behalf of the scientists and staff of the Salamanca Cancer Research Center (CIC), welcome to our webpage and many thanks for your interest in the work and activities of our institution.
Our understanding of tumor processes has progressed tremendously during recent decades thanks to seminal scientific breakthroughs that significantly clarified the basic mechanisms of cancer and improved the treatment of this disease. Looking back, we realize that the generation of most relevant conceptual and clinical advances on cancer was only possible through the coordination of multiple, interconnected research efforts from the worldwide scientific community, a collective task to which the CIC-IBMCC scientist have indeed made significant contributions.
Besides pressing forward with progress on the molecular and cellular mechanisms of cancer, a main challenge currently facing the cancer scientific community is translating the recent advances of basic cancer research into defined clinical improvements regarding diagnosis, prognosis or treatment of this illness. In line with this, most scientific endeavors in our Cancer Center are fully geared towards translational oncology through the two Research Programs (Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer ; Translational and Clinical Research in Cancer) defined in our latest Strategic Plan.
We hope that this redesigned webpage conveys accurate and useful information on our scientific and administrative organization as well as about our research programs and scientific teams. In particular, we intend to offer here an updated account of the outcome of all our work and activities, including our academic programs (Master and PhD), socio-sanitary services provided by our Core Facilities and Service Units, and research publications generated by our scientists.
This webpage should also serve as a conduit to ensure a fluid, bidirectional communication between our Center and the cancer patients, other biomedical institutions and enterprises, and the society at large. By clicking in the appropriate tabs of the menu you should easily keep abreast on recent CIC news, events and developments, collaborate with donations, or make suggestions, requests or demands related to any of our activities. Your inputs through this page will be of critical importance to help the CIC accomplishing successfully its mission/objective of producing high quality cancer research.
Cordially yours,
Xosé R. Bustelo, Ph.D.