Identification of genetic and molecular determinants associated with cardiotoxicity by anthracyclines and taxanes

Aurora Gómez Vecino
Centro de Investigación del Cáncer (CIC-IBMCC), Salamanca
10/01/2019 to 01/01/0001
Time: 12:30:00
Salón de actos del Centro de Investigación del Cáncer
Cardiotoxicity by anthracyclines (CDA) is a widespread problem in cancer patients. CDA has great repercussion on patient's quality of life, which limits chemotherapy treatment and has consequences in the final prognosis of the oncologic disease itself. The susceptibility and degree of cardiotoxicity by anthracyclines is very heterogeneous among patients, and who will suffer this complication is unknown. CDA is a complex trait that follows a model of quantitative g