Thirty years of biochemistry ,of the small GTPases of the RHO family: Current status, challenges, and future directions
Reza Ahmadian
Heinrich Heine University [Dusseldorf, Germany]
28/02/2019 to 01/01/0001
Time: 12:30:00
Salón de actos del Centro de Investigación del Cáncer
Much progress has been made toward deciphering the aspects of Rho GTPase functions and many studies have convincingly demonstrated that altered signal transduction through Rho GTPases is a recurring theme in the progression of human malignancies. It seems that 20 Rho GTPases are likely regulated by 4 GDIs, 74 GEFs, and 66 GAPs, and interact eventually with >100 downstream effectors. A challenging theme is understanding of the molecular determinants of the speci