Understanding early lymphoma formation from a single-cell epigenomics and 3D chromatin perspective

Renée Beekman
Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG)
27/01/2022 to 01/01/0001
Time: 12:30
Salón de actos del Centro de Investigación del Cáncer
Host: Mercedes Dosil
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Translocations and epigenetic changes are frequently found in cancer. However, how the epigenetic landscape evolves during early tumor formation and how translocations play a role in this process remain largely unexplored. Neither is it know if oncogenic epigenetic events occur in healthy individuals, which could provide seeds for positive selection and tumor formation. In this talk, I will present the ongoing work in my lab to characterise the (oncogenic) DNA methylation landscape in healthy B cells from a single-cell perspective and the global effects of translocations on 3D chromatin organization, using mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) as a model.