
Comparative Molecular Pathology Unit
Centro de Investigación del Cáncer (CSIC-USAL).
Campus Universitario Miguel de Unamuno s/n E-37007 Salamanca (Spain)
+34 923 294 832
This is a core lab with two different aims:
- It serves as the Coordinating Node for the Biobank Network Oncological Diseases of Castilla and León, managing all tissue transactions between Hospitals of the Network (n=7) and researchers inside or outside the region. About 10 requests for tumor samples are received/served per year, which represents about 300 samples/ year.
- Support service, to all the Centers on the Campus, as well as to a «NUCLEUS», from this year as an Associated Unit. as a Comparative Pathology Service, analyzing samples of transgenic animal models that offer a complete range of histological, immunohistochemical and molecular analyzes designed and adapted to order. Approximately 5.240 samples are processed per year, from 556 job applications. ISO Certifications: ISO9001:2008
In this Facility we provide complete services for:
Tissue processing and routine stain (each paraffin block). Our Service processes animal models provided by other CSIC researchers to produce hematoxylin-eosin stained sections. Animal tissues are prepared for inclusion and paraffin
embedding, and then cut and stained.
Paraffin embedding. Previously fixed tissue is embedded in paraffin.
Sectioning/staining. Tissue previously embedded in paraffin is sectioned and stained.
Immunohistochemistry (each stain). The process includes setting up an assay for a particular antibody, as well as the performance of an actual immunohistochemical stain. In the last two years, 41 antibodies have been prepared for murine tissues, at the request of the different researchers from both the CIC and the rest of the Units of Campus.
Tissue microarray. 1-mm Tissue Cores from 100-200 human or animal tumors are arrayed into a paraffin block. This allows the simultaneous study of a series of cases with minimal interobserver biopses.
Tissue request from a cancer cooperative biobank network. Requests from researchers are evaluated by the external committees of the biobank, and served, if ethical and scientific standards are accomplished, and enough tissue is banked in the network.
Tissue banking (each individual case aliquot). In each of the hospitals affiliated to the Biobank Network, cases are collected, interesting tissue areas are selected, prepared and stored. In addition, this process includes getting all basic clinical information linked to the sample, which is stored in a central database. Collection can take place only when a written informed consent has been taken from the patient after detailed information has been provided to him/her.
Diagnostic samples processed in the Service by the Responsible Pathologist, when they are required by the researchers.
Microscopy Service offered:
Multihead Optical Microscope.
One automated scanning microscope and image analysis system, ARIOL.
Virtual Microscope DOT SLIDE, to scan and processed samples).
Microscope laser microdissection: essential for molecular characterization of individual cells of complex solid tissues to identify differences that show respect to other cell lines to identify new molecular targets that reveal the altered cellular pathways and study the origin of the equipment disease and possible treatment.
The Service Comparative Molecular Pathology imparts teaching to:
Students in practice, as a Senior Technician of Pathological Anatomy of the Institute «IES Ramon y Cajal» of Valladolid, of School Aloya of Vigo, and Institute «CIFP Río Ebro» of Miranda de Ebro (Burgos).
Master students in biobanks.
Collaborates with the Communication Service of the Center for Cancer Research in the program of guided tours to the CIC, to different groups such as schools, universities, businesses, associations and Town Hall.